Monday, February 25, 2013

Oryx and Crake Fifth Entry

Indeed, Vancouver has the best weather for reading a novel. I decided to madly read from friday night. Saturday turned out to be the best weather in months, sun shining for the whole day. Yet, I decided to stay home and intensely turned the pages. Actually, the book is thrilling, a real page turner, but after looking at the weather forecast for this week, I instantly regretted for not spending my saturday more wisely (I meant in more entertaining ways)

However, I must admit, I'm starting to fall in love with Oryx and Crake. This kind of novel was exactly what I was looking for, but simultaneously, very original and different from other dystopian novels I have encounted before. The characters, Oryx and Crake is reveiled in more detailed characteristics as Snowman has flashback of the time when he was "Jimmy".

Especially, the childhood of Oryx is presented in a long series of events in chronological sequences which I found very depressing. Oryx was a girl from a poor family background, who was sold to Uncle En for different various types of labours including sex, despite the fact she was only 12. This seemed very unrealistic from certain perspective, but the fact that these incidents has actually existed throughout the history and is still continued to this day in some parts of the world made me feel very bitter.

Atwood touches on not only the environmental issues of today with the setting, she also comments about the social conflicts that is underminded by the society and the trends people's action as the science develops through her smooth interconnected flashbacks Snowman has, changing his name to "Jimmy". I am quite impressed by the author's intend and insight in writing this book and I am greatly satisfied for choosing Oryx and Crake for this unit.

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