Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oryx and Crake the Last Entry

I have learned so much from Atwood's dystopian novel Oryx and Crake and here are some of the main themes that I was able to summarize and relate to our real world. I was fully satisfied with the denouement of the plot and loved the ambiguous ending.

One of the main themes in Margaret Atwood's dystopian science fiction novel, Oryx and Crake, is the theme of corruption. Some corruptions are directly related as some are underminded and symbolized. Corruptions can be found in the setting of the book, as related to environment, corporations or genetic enginneering. Other examples of corruptions can be found in the morals of the characters. Firstly, it is difficult to miss the fact that this novel takes its place in a dystopian future where environment has been severely damaged due to the exploitation of resources and many different developments. Environmental corruption has a significant role, initiating constant internal and physical conflict within Jimmy himself. Wild cliamte, water pollution and extreme exposure of ultra violet light from the sun due to the puntured ozone layer all symbolize environmental corruptions. These corruptions form the setting of the novel, bring struggles to the one and only human being left, Jimmy. Secondly, the society has fallen apart, including the ridiculous genetic engeering and the profit-centered corporations. Genetically modified animals are used for organ transplant, however, these modified organ can only be transplanted with a repect amount of money. Most of the families are part of the compounds or different types of corporations. Without certain amount of income and financial stability, it is unlikely to be part of the society in the world of Oryx and Crake. These corrupted society force residents to be part of the compounds. As the difference between rich and poor deepends, the profit-based corporation provide more services for the wealthy portion of the population. Lastly, the moral and ethical corruptions can be examined in the teeange life of Jimmy and Crake. They do not have any sense of guilt as they watch child pornography and suicidal videos. These actions, that we as people in present society question our ethics upon, are simultaneously enjoyed and exposed to teenagers in the future society of the novel. It is assumed that these moral-questioning acts are no longer questions in the future and moral corruptions have occured where moral standards are severely compromised by the people of the futuristic setting of the novel. These settings, charaterizations and conflicts fully illustrate Atwood's intended theme of corruption in her novel Oryx and Crake.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you read your novel during that sunny spell on that weekend. However, I am wondering why you didn't just take your book and sit out in the sun? Kill two birds with one stone. And get Vitamin D to boot!
    I enjoyed reading the reflective posts where you had thoughtful comments about your feelings and connections.
